Step 01
Create a 255 by 255px document. First, turn on the Grid (View >
Grid) and the Snap to Grid (View > Snap to Grid). Next, you’ll need
a grid every 5px. Go to Edit > Preferences > Guides > Grid,
enter 5 in the Gridline every box and 1 in the Subdivisions box. You
can also open the Info panel (Window > Info) for a live preview
with the size and position of your shapes. Do not forget to replace
the unit of measurement to pixels from Edit > Preferences > Unit
> General. Al these options will significantly increase your work
Step 02
Let’s start with the Rectangle Tool(M). Create an 190 by 220px shape,
fill it with any color and remove the stroke. Select this fresh shape
and go to Effect > Stylize > Rounded Corners. Enter a 110px
radius, click OK then go to Effect > Warp > Fisheye. Drag the Bend
slider at 20%, click OK then go to Object > Expand Appearance.
Step 03
Continue with the Ellipse Tool(L), create a 70 by 180px shape and go
to Effect > Warp > Fisheye. Drag the Bend slider at 30%, click OK
then go to Object > Expand Appearance.
Step 04
Select the two shapes created so far and add a copy in back (Control +
C > Control + B). Turn off the visibility for these fresh copies,
you will need them later. Select the remaing, visible shapes and click
on the Minus Front button from the Pathfinder panel. Fill the resdulting
shape with R=224 G=20 B=72.
Step 05
Select the shape created in the previous step and go to Effect >
3D > Extrude&Bevel. Enter the data shown in the following image,
click OK then go to Object > Expand Appearance.
Step 06
Let’s focus on the Layers panel. You should find a simple group.
Click on the little arrow icons until, find the Clipping Paths (pointed
by the arrows in the following image) and delete them all. Now, select
the shapes shown in the first image, click on the Unite button from the
Pathfinder panel and fill the resulting path with R=131 G=5 B=42. Fill
the remainging shape with R=224 G=20 B=72. In the end you should have
four shapes in your Layers panel, two visible and two invisible.
Step 07
Select the large, visible shape and go to the Appearance panel. Open
the fly-out menu and click on Add New Fill. This will add a second fill
for your shape. Select it and use the linear gradient shown in the
following image. The yellow zero from the gradient image stands for
Opacity percentage. This means that you need to select the gradient
slider and lower its opacity to 0%. Next, add a simple stroke for your
shape and select it from the Appearance panel. Make it 5pt wide, align
it to inside, set its color at R=255 G=255 B=255 and lower its opacity
to 5%. Finally, reselect the entire path and go tot Effect > Stylize
> Inner Glow. Enter the data shown below and click OK.
Step 08
Pick the Rectangle Tool(M), create two squares (50 by 50px) and place
them as shown in the first image. Fill the top shape with black and the
bottom shape with white. Grab the Direct Selection Tool(A) and focus on
the black shape. Select the two, bottom anchor points and go to Object
> Path > Average. Check Both then click OK. This will turn your
square into a triangle as shown in the second image. Move to the bottom
square. Again, using the Direct Selection Tool(A), select the top anchor
point and go to Object > Path > Average. Check Both then click
Step 09
Select the two triangles made in the previous step and go to Effect
> Blur > Gaussian Blur. Enter a 7px radius, click OK then group
these two shapes. Select the small, "O" shape and make a copy in front
(Control + C > Control + F). Bring this copy to front (Shift +
Control + ] ) and fill it with white. Select it along with the group and
go to the Transparency panel (Window > Transparency). Open the
fly-out menu and click on Make Opacity Mask. In the end your
illustration should look like in the fourth image.
Step 10
Turn the large,oval shape (made in the fourth step) back to visible.
Fill it with none and add a 0.75pt, black stroke. Align it to outside
then go to Object > Expand Appearance. Fill the resulting shape with
the linear gradient shown in the second image.
Step 11
Reselect the large "O" shape and make a copy in front (Contro + C
> Control + F) then grab the Ellipse Tool(L), create a 190 by 125px
shape and place it as shown in the second image. Select this new shape
alonw with the fresh copy and click on the Intersect button from the
Pathfinder panel. Fill the resulting shape with the linear gradient
shown in the fourth image and lower its opacity to 80%.
Step 12
Turn the small,oval shape (made in the fourth step) back to visible.
Fill it with none and add a 1pt, black stroke. Align it to outside then
go to Object > Expand Appearance. Fill the resulting shape with the
linear gradient shown in the second image, lower its opacity to 50% and
bring it to front (Shift + Control + ] ).
Step 13
Disable the Snap to Grid (View > Snap to Grid). Select the large
"O" shape and make two copies in front (Shift + Control + ] ). Select
the top copy and hit the down arrow once. Reselect both copies and click
on the Minus Front button from the Pathfinder panel. You will gret a
group with two thin shape. Remove the bottom shape (pointed by the arrow
in the third image) then select the remaining shape. Go to the
Appearance, remove the stroke, the effect and keep only one fill. Make
it white and lower its opacity to 50%.
Step 14
Reselect the large "O" shape and make two new copies in front (Shift +
Control + ] ). Select the top copy and hit the up arrow once. Reselect
both copies and click on the Minus Front button from the Pathfinder
panel. Again, you will gret a group with two thin shape. Remove the top
shape (pointed by the arrow) then select the remaining shape. Remove the
stroke, the effect and keep only one fill. Set its color at R=120 G=5
Step 15
Pick the Ellipse Tool and click on your artboard.. Enter 10 in the
width box and 2.5 in the height box then click OK. This will create a 10
by 2.5 px shape. Fill it with R=237 G=166 B=168 and place it as shown
in following image. Make a copy of this and fill it with white then
rotate it and place it as shown below.
Step 16
Focus on the shapes made in the previous step. Select the pink shape
made in the previous step and go to Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur.
Enter a 2.5px radius, click OK then select the white shape and go to
Effect > Blur > Guassian Blur. Enter a 3px radius then click OK.
Step 17
Finally, re-enable the Snap to Grid (View > Snap to Grid) then
pick the Ellipse Tool(L). Create a 90 by 25px shape and fill it with
R=71 G=5 B=42 then send it to back (Shift + Control + [ ) and go to
Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Enter a 5px radius, click OK and
you’re done.
Now your work is done. Here is how it should look like.
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